neon green

Yes, I'm wearing Flats!

The other night I attended a TJ Maxx and Marshalls event and it was so much fun! I mean, shopping plus Mojitos = Happy Me :-) I can't wait to show you what I got. It's definitely very Hamptons like :-) BTW can you tell there's something off about my outfit? Yes, I'm NOT wearing my HEELS!!!!

Spanish - Español

El miercoles en la noche fui a un evento de TJ Maxx y Marshalls y la pase super bien. Se imaginan: Mojitos + Regalitos = Feliz YO :-) Ya me muero por que vean el vestido blanco que me regalaron, divino. Lo usare cuando vaya a los Hamptons este Verano :-) En fin, te fijas que hay algo raro con mi outfit? Siiiii, no llevo tacones!!!


What I'm wearing:

  • Dress: Zara
  • Jacket: H&M
  • Bag: Steven
  • Watcht: c/o Toy Watch