I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas! I spent it with family and loved ones, it was just perfect. I got everything I wished for and more. And I'm not talking about things. I have learned that the most precious and beautiful gifts aren't the most expensive ones, but those that you can feel in your heart. It's been raining really bad in San Francisco this weeks, so I couldn't take pictures of what I wore for Christmas. But I will wear the outfit again and take pics since I LOVED it. How was your Christmas?
Spanish - Español
Espero que hayan tenido una linda Navidad. Yo la pase divino con mis seres queridos. Recibí todo lo que esperaba y aun mas. Y no me refiero a cosas necesariamente, ya que he aprendido que los regalos mas lindos y bellos no son los que cuestan mas caros, si no los que puedes sentir en tu corazon. Anoche llovió bastante en San Francisco, así que no pude tomar fotos de lo que me puse, pero se los muestro pronto ya que AME mi look. ¿Que tal la pasaron esta Navidad?
What I'm wearing: