
Flare Jeans


Coat: c/o Desigual Jeans: c/o YMI jeans Bag: Lulus

Hi Queens!

I hope you had a great Fourth of July weekend!!! Mine was perfect, besides cracking my phone screen and getting a little headache, also known as a hangover lol. On another note, I forgot about these pictures. I took them a couple of months ago and I'm in love wight he whole outfit. Flare jeans and bucket bag = perfection! ! I hope you like the pics  in Sausalito.

Desigual Maxi Skirt

I'm finally in New York but I'm sooooo tired right now! I took a red eye and got to the city at 7:30 am and have been nonstop all day. The highlight of my day was meeting Wilmer Valderrama at P&G’s Secrets of the Season event where he gave advice for surviving the holiday season in style. He's sooo hot and has swag for dayssss ... you have NO idea! Plus he's such a nice guy :-) After that I had dinner with two of my girls and now I'm prepping for my fashion TV segment tomorrow! So, if you live in the Tri-State area you can catch me tomorrow on Telemundo at 10 am!

Spanish – Español

Finalmente llegue a Nueva York pero estoy super cansada. Es que viaje toda la noche y llegue a Manhattan a las 7:30 am y no he parado todo el dia. Pero no me quejo, por que la estoy pasando lindo! En la tarde tuve la oportunidad de conocer a Wilmer Valderrama y es divino. Luego fui a cenar con unas amigas y ahora estoy preparando todo para mi segmento de moda de mañana por Telemundo 47. Asi que si vives en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey o Connecticut no te olvides de sintonizar Acceso Total a las 10 am :-)

What I'm wearing:

The White Party

This dress from Desigual stole my heart, so I took it to Miami with me! I wore it to a white party  ... well ended up being a white, black and yellow kind of party for me haha. I had so much fun that night. After the party we went to dinner at Katsuya in South Beach, then drinks and since the hotel was right on the beach we ended up walking by the water late at night. It was so peaceful and a beautiful night! We are so bleesed with so much beauty in this world :-) God is great!

Spanish - Español

Ni bien vi este vestido me robo el corazón, así que lo tuve que llevar conmigo a Miami. Me lo puse para ir a una fiesta de blanco ... pero como ya me conocen, termine el look con mucho color. Esa noche la pase super bien. Fuimos a cenar a Katsuya en South Beach, luego a tomar unos drinks y como el hotel quedaba en la playa, terminamos caminando por el agua en la madrugada. Fue una noche linda estar rodeada de la naturaleza. La verdad es que somos tan bendecidos con tanta belleza en este mundo. Dios es grande :-)

What I'm wearing: