yellow skirt

Yellow Skirt

I was not a fan of these type of booties, but let me tell you that after I put them on, I didn't want to take them off! They are super comfortable. I can see myself walking in them for hours when I get to New York. Oh, I forgot to tell you ... I'm headed to the Big Apple tonight :-) Now that I've been enjoying this Cali weather I'm going to freeze in NYC!

Spanish – Español

Este tipo de botas nunca fueron mis preferidas, ya saben que amo los tacones altos y las botas altas, pero cuando me las puse no me las quise quitar. Definitivamente son los botines mas comodas que tengo. Ya me veo caminando con ellas por horas en Nueva York. Aaaaaa .... es que no les conte todavia, pronto me voy al aeropuerto, ya que esta noche parto rumbo a Nueva York :-)

What I'm wearing:

  • Skirt: Zara
  • Shirt: H&M
  • Bag: Isabella Fiore
  • Shoes: c/o Vogue Footwear

Adventure with Me!

As soon as Tati from Furor Moda asked me if I would wear a tee that she designed, I completely said yes! Not only because she is a friend but also because I loved the meaning behind it "Adventure with Me". You know I'm all about adventures. I believe life is too short not to take any risks and grow as an individual. One of my biggest adventures so far, has been  moving to New York a year and a half ago with a few suitcases in hand, not knowing anybody or even having a job.  And I can tell you that it's been the best decision I ever took because I have grown a lot. So, take risks because you never know where they will lead you! By the way I LOOOOOOOVE my headpiece. Would you wear one?

Spanish - Español

Ni bien Tati de Furor Moda me pregunto si me pondria una camiseta que ella diseño, inmediatamente acepte. No solo por que es mi amiga y la quiero apoyar, si no tambien por que me encanto el concepto de la misma "Aventurate conmigo." Ya saben que a mi me encantan las aventuras, si no, no me hubiese mudado a Nueva York hace un año y medio, con un par de maletas, sin trabajo y sin conocer a nadie. Pienso que la vida es muy corta para no tomar riesgos. Ademas creo que con cada aventura que uno toma, uno crece como ser humano.  Y es que si no te arriesgas nunca sabrás lo que pudo ser. A proposito AMOOOO mi vincha de flores. ¿Te la pondrias?

Thank you Tati for the pictures :-)

What I'm wearing:

Color me Yellow

Like every Wednesday, I will be on the radio at 3 pm PST.  If you speak spanish you can also catch me on USTREAM by clicking here. Have a bless day!

Spanish - Españ0l

Como todos los miercoles, a las 3 pm hora de California ( 5 pm hora de Mexico, 6 pm hora de Miami) estare en la radio. Si no me puedes escuchar por la 104.9 FM, te cuento que me puedes ver por USTREAM, solo haz click aqui y listo. Te veo al aire!!!


What I'm wearing:

  • Top: American Apparel
  • Denim Jacket: Forever 21
  • Skirt: Gift
  • Shoes: Guess